an post I made in a group of female cannabis users who are debating how best to reach out and support young users

I started using weed six years ago. Before that I was rabidly brainwashed against all drugs. I was 100% convinced that drug addicts were murdering raping losers. My doctor said that weed was very dangerous and that I would take off all my clothes and dance on the tables if I smoked any.

I hung out with users for a year or so before I tried it. when I got brave enough to try it,  i instantly knew that it was going to heal my depression. I felt changes happening in my brain. “breakthroughs” that I had not found in 10 years of counselling.

I started calling weed medicine from the outset. then I googled it, and found ACTUAL STUDIES about medicinal benefits.

so, that’s where I come from in terms of my experience.

in the midst of this legalise debate, I’d like to add my two cents worth on children. imo children can be hugely harmed by their parents drug use and their own. however I want to stress that it is NOT THE DRUGS that harm, but the behaviours. grrrrr. difficult to explain what I mean.

people self medicate. they have problems, otherwise they wouldn’t need medicines. these preexisting issues are covered up by the drugs, and the drugs are blamed. BUT no-one knows how terrible things would be without the calming effects of weed.

so I think what I’m saying is that there is a link between use of drugs and problems at home. people have assumed that these links indicate that drugs are bad, because they cause these behaviours.

I’d like to suggest that ABUSE is bad, not weed. Abuse of children, who grow up to be parents, who abuse their children, who grow up to be parents…. etc.

my conclusion, then, is that for us, the grans who want to nurture and direct our community’s youngsters, we can provide very strong and loving rules and realities around harm reduction, realistic levels of usage, awareness, self determination, etc etc.

thus I am advocating #revolution.

we take the decisions away from the government, who are failing us and our children, and we do it ourselves. because the idea of having NO EXPECTATIONS is brainwashing. we have expectations for our children that they be able to grow up healthy and loved. our suicide rate shows that this is not happening.

Published by Bob

bobdub I AM NOT "If you don't like it here, then you shouldn't come" - the umpire strikes back

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