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I don’t hate socialists. Some of my best friends are socialists. The socialist democratic style of governance we currently live under is just part of the natural progression towards a more mentally healthy and free society. The population of the world has almost completely rejected monarchies now, and governments are going to be next. Don’t be afraid. Embrace the positive changes where you see them. No one here is going to try forcing you to start running your own lives or anything. The change I want to see cannot be brought about that way. If I had aspirations of violently overthrowing the total drop kicks currently in power it would only mean I had delusions of being the next total drop kick. And being voted into power on my hobby horse with a saviour complex after making promises I’m not even expected to keep isn’t a dream of mine either. So don’t worry about me. I’m not a threat. I’m just not voting.
I’m not voting because this is what I see happening. The divisions we create through our glorification of representative politics are going be left behind. Splitting and pitting the population against itself is going to seem stupid and go out of fashion. The next step from there towards better living is going to be the utilisation of direct democracy. Political puppets will no longer be believed in, so “the people” will get to vote on whichever separate issue they wish to instead of getting to vote for their choice of winning personality every three years as with the previous system. Under direct democracy minorities still get railroaded however, because decisions are still made by majority rule.
After that comes decentralisation, where communities decide for themselves how to run their affairs – working not in competition, but with appreciation for and recognition of each other. Trading or not trading freely without having to pay a tithe to a gluttonous central vacuum. Smaller groups have the capability of being more efficient and have more chance of reaching consensus. The democracy wars will be over because people are looking to solve problems by discussing them rationally and reaching agreements seriously without wasting time and resources on huge marketing campaigns. Problems that can’t find resolution will be understood as not being important enough for any decision to have been made at that time. This is a non-hierarchical system that understands the difference between being an authority on a subject, and having authority over subjects. Where leadership skills and gaining proficiency in a discipline are respected right up until they’re used as reasons to justify someone’s superiority complex.
Individuals seeking to achieve dominance over others will be understood to be showing signs of emotional insecurity and mental unwellness which will be addressed with the appropriate level of care and support. Effective strategies for rejecting that antisocial behaviour without falling prey to it oneself will be become more ingrained as our appreciation for personal responsibility increases. People will be able to be as different as they like (without making others feel insecure and defensive) once the ultimate transgression of assuming power over another has finally become socially unacceptable.
This might sound like hopeful idealism and wishful thinking to you. And I don’t necessarily know that it isn’t. I’m not super confident. We might all be too emotionally crippled to ever get it together. But some people have to actually say these things to help the chances of them happening. That’s how idealism works. We can’t work out how to get where were going if we don’t know where that is. And the movement towards this ideal is visibly happening. Dickensian times were not so long ago. They were pretty awful and resulted in socialism being invented. So no, I don’t hate socialists. I can understand what socialism was an answer to. But the days of ganging up to force our precious opinions and personal agendas on others being considered an acceptable manner in which to conduct ourselves are numbered.
So if you think you need to be forcibly controlled or want to forcibly control other people I want to ask you, what’s up? Everything okay at home? Who hurt you so bad you became damaged enough to believe either one of those two things was a good idea? Let’s go over here and investigate the deficit. Let’s see if we can’t find a more constructive and assertive way to deal with the pain you are obviously in. Your suffering is apparent, but everything is going to be alright. It’s okay to be insecure, but there are ways to change that. You do have to want that change for yourself though. Help is available, but it’s important that you know you’re the one who has to do the hard work. Nobody else can do it for you. How do you feel about that? Don’t answer in a hurry. Just sit with it for a few minutes. I’ll put the jug on.
this is my virtual world (eso)
it totally trumps reality
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Basic Premise: you are not stupid. you are everything you were designed to be. be it.
“You’ve never seen data presented like this. With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, statistics guru Hans Rosling debunks myths about the so-called “developing world.”
This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.
In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus.”
For many of us, writing is catharsis: a way to process and release difficult emotions. Few things are as emotional as the loss of a friend, family member, personal hero, or pet so it’s no surprise that we read a lot of posts paying tribute to lost loved ones and trying to make sense of …
Did you just assume my opinion?
“it costs a lot of money to look this cheap” Dolly Parton
There is only ONE way to please society, and that is to conform. The penalty for being a loser is being sidelined and maligned. Strangely enough, the exact same things that turn someone into a loser. Funny that.
After a while, though, a strange type of acceptance occurs, and a transcendence of the state of loser-dom occurs. A wonderful freedom. The right to complain, regardless of the fact that no one is, or ever will be, listening. And the concomitant realisation that I just don’t care if no one is listening, I have to speak up anyways.
When something is wonderful, loyalty grows. Criticism becomes treason. fuck that stupid load of shit. We cannot grow as a society, and progress #beyondemocracy, #beyondanarchy, and #towardsunityofpurpose, unless we acknowledge the failures. Here in New Zealand our men are in crisis. Shame on you evil, vicious, cruel, and nasty women who have told young boys that they are rapists. Shame on you stupid, weakened, broken women who are allowing this to continue.
2016 will go down in history as the year white supremacy rebranded and emerged fresh and foul mouthed as the alt-right. Looking around at how your average Joe is being treated by society, may enlighten some as to why men are seduced by the emotional salve of Kekistani brotherhood.
To illustrate my point I will choose three men Not At Random from the population of New Zealand men.
Historians will write volumes in the future about the role of Not A Party in New Zealand’s transition to a free and fair egalitarian society where poverty is completely obliterated. But now they have hardly been noticed. Jacinda and Bob have not even met yet. So here I will just note that there was once a guy who said, “those who have eyes to see, let them see”.
Simon Smythe. Not just any Simon Smythe. The Simon Smythe. This man, one could arguably claim, is intricatrely and intimately involved in the assent of government2017. If you know what is happening in the shadows, you will have noticed #dontvote2017, and the media covfefe given to Richard Goode, Simon Smythe and Bob Wessex.
Have you been looking?
Mount Albert, 2071. The safe labour seat and Jacinda’s platform…. According to Smythe’s first hand experience, “once the 19 votes for NAP were added to the 31 125 non votes…. it made very little difference.” Mr Smythe, one of the voices crying out into the void, begging u to understand the futility of continuing to vote now that we’ve found out the system is broke. Get woke. #dontvote2017. just in case u missed it. Some of the 13763 voters in the by-election, voted for Jacinda, and as a direct result of this result, Jacinda sits perched on the verge of success. Or failure. Or both. 13763 people who failed to comply with the call to boycott the Epic Fail formerly known as Government, are responsible for our current political landscape. Are you feeling represented yet?
Zednek Hanzlik, ex marine of the Russian Navy. Good natured, kind. Ignored and unprotected by the family courts. A victim of the viscous institutionalised penis hatred in masculinised unfeminine feminists, and bullied-at-school-but-it-hasn’t-done-me-any-harm psychopaths. Its not ok. In his torment he burnt himself to death in public, while Jacinda was putting the finishing touches on to a campaign that saw Labour soar from a record low to Winner, without changing a single policy (cool trick, especially when u pull it off. Wink wink). In Tibet, following a self-immolation incident, people gather in their masses to honour the sacrifice of those brave souls who illuminate the injustices as their flesh burns. A decision that they made because it ended their inner torment. How great must your pain be, if burning yourself to death is preferable to living one more day? F. Responding to his violent suicide the policeman dismissed it as “highly unusual and very unfortunate”. nz suicide Alt-facts. When we ignore the problems, they will not go away.
We have problems. Our women and children need protected.
Where are our men?
And this suffering is multiplying, and destroying, and echoing, through communities.
Lets Not Forget
If not you, who?
If not now, when?
arrival. getting in the mood…
contemplating the event. one of the things that was important here was the whole letting go of stuff process. it was about laying out my last 10 years of heartaches, understanding them, emoting about them, finally letting go. I liked it.
the last goodbye. these are the paintings lying in wait. they are all suitably defaced and ready for their fate.
now it begins in earnest. some of them were very hard to let go of. and yet it was time. it started deliberately.
I said goodbye to each one and it was good
and just like that it was done